Take advantage of membership discounts offered at select gyms as an employee with the City of Corpus Christi. Choose between YMCA, Corpus Christi Athletic Club, and the Blue Cross Blue Shield Fitness program to get special rates. See the details below for each gym and contact them today to get your membership started!
Receive a 10% workplace wellness discount on membership rates and a waived enrollment fee!
For more information, contact Victoria Sookiasian, YMCA Membership & Wellness Director, at (361) 239-0042 or email vsookiasian@ymca-cc.org.

Corpus Christi Athletic Club
No contract membership, the first month FREE, and monthly dues payroll deducted! Get started with a 5-day guest pass!
For additional details, call the Corporate Membership department at (361) 992-7100 ext. 1243 or 1174.

BCBS Fitness Program
The Fitness Program offers four flexible gym options from $19 to $99 per month, convenience, and a nationwide network of participating facilities so members can work out whether traveling, at home, or at work. Family memberships are available on all packages. Follow these instructions to find more information and register for a membership:
- On your computer, log on to Blue Cross Blue Shield
- On the top menu, select Wellness, then click on Fitness Program
Note: Employees must be enrolled in a City medical plan to participate in the BCBS Fitness Program.