Upcoming Wellness Activities

To earn the $20 insurance premium discount, employees must complete at least one activity from each wellness bucket. See below for upcoming wellness bucket (elective) activity opportunities by category. Qualifying bucket activities are also available on-demand using Wellable – Employee Wellness Platform. Contact Wellness@cctexas.com if you have any questions or registration issues. 

Corpus Christi Buckets - Pysical rev_06 29 23
Corpus Christi Buckets - Financial rev_06 29 23
Corpus Christi Buckets -Emotional rev_06 29 23

Physical Health Bucket (Elective) Activities

Airrosti Back Pain Webinar (Virtual)

March 27th at 12:00 PM

Join Airrosti to learn about common causes of back pain and what you can do to prevent it. Plus, discover how Airrosti can help you get out of pain — quickly and effectively. Register now at Airrosti Back Pain Webinar


Wellable Zumba Class (In-Person)

March 28th at 12:00 PM

Join us for Zumba! This class involves dance and aerobic movements performed to energetic music. Squats and lunges are also included for additional body sculpting and conditioning. Register for this class now at Wellable Zumba Class.


Wellable Eat Well, Be Well Webinar (Virtual)

March 31st at 12:00 PM

Join Wellable to discusses the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and ways to make smart choices when shopping, preparing food at home, and dining out. Learn the basic food groups and how their role in a balanced diet leads to optimal health. Register now at Wellable Eat Well, Be Well Webinar.


Airrosti Carpal Tunnel Webinar (Virtual)

April 2nd and April 23rd at 12:00 PM

Join Airrosti to learn about common causes of Carpal Tunnel and what you can do to prevent it. Plus, discover how Airrosti can help you get out of pain — quickly and effectively. Register now at Airrosti Carpal Tunnel Webinar


Wellable Self Defense Class (In-Person)

April 4th at 12:00 PM

Join us for Self Defense training! Participants will learn a variety of practical self-defense moves, including strikes, blocks, escapes, and evasive maneuvers, all in a supportive and engaging environment. Register for this class now at Wellable Self Defense Class.


Wellable Functional Mobility Webinar (Virtual)  

April 15th at 11:00 AM; April 16th at 7:00 PM; April 17th at 4:00 PM (available on-demand after last live session)  

Engage in movement patterns that mimic everyday activities to enhance physical capabilities for a healthy lifestyle. Register now at Wellable Functional Mobility Webinar. 


Wellable Fitness Trends Unveiled Webinar (Virtual)  

April 25th at 12:00 PM 

This presentation explores misconceptions around exercise fads, popular trends, and strategies for living a more active lifestyle to help you create a personally meaningful and sustainable fitness routine! Register now at Wellable Fitness Trends Unveiled Webinar. 


Safe Fun-Fit Events (In-Person)

Every Saturday – Time and location is based on activity. 

McCaughan Park: Walk the Bayfront 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Islanders Pavilion: Kickboxing/Self Defense Class 8:00 AM – 8:40 AM; Yoga Class 9:00 AM – 9:40 AM; Zumba Class 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM

These events offer a variety of fun, family-friendly activities. Participants must complete at least one activity to earn physical health bucket credit. View the event schedule and register now at Safe Fun-Fit at the Bayfront

Financial Health Bucket (Elective) Activities

Mission Square “Tips for Smart Spending” Webinar (Virtual)

March 26th at 12:00 PM 

Learn how to prioritize so that you spend on what you truly want and can afford. Register now at MS Making Every Dollar Count: Tips for Smart Spending Webinar. When registering, please enter “City of Corpus Christi” in the “Current/Former Employer Name” field to ensure you receive credit. 


FinPath Financial Literacy Month 

April 2nd – April 4th 

FinPath will be providing in-person coaching sessions and workshops on various financial topics to help you improve your financial health. There will be gift card drawings for attending coaching sessions and at each workshop! Visit Financial Literacy Month 2025 for participation instructions.


Mission Square “Effective Estate Planning” Webinar (Virtual)

April 9th at 12:00 PM 

An effective estate plan can help ensure your family’s financial needs will be taken care of and that your personal wishes will be carried out. Register now at MS Effective Estate Planning Webinar. When registering, please enter “City of Corpus Christi” in the “Current/Former Employer Name” field to ensure you receive credit. 


FinPath “Personal Finances 101” Webinar (Virtual) 

April 24th at 12:00 PM

Join FinPath to gain essential knowledge on key topics of personal finance. You’ll learn about budgeting, savings, debt management, and credit scores. Register now at FinPath Personal Finances 101 Webinar.


Mission Square “Roth IRA: A Flexible and Tax-Efficient Way to Save for Retirement” Webinar (Virtual)

April 30th at 12:00 PM 

Join Mission Square to learn if a Roth IRA is right for you. Register now at MS Roth IRA Webinar. When registering, please enter “City of Corpus Christi” in the “Current/Former Employer Name” field to ensure you receive credit. 

Emotional Health Bucket (Elective) Activities

Family Counseling Services “Healthy Boundaries” Webinar (Virtual)

April 16th at 12:00 PM

Join us to learn about healthy boundaries. Please register in advance at FCS Healthy Boundaries Webinar.