Upcoming Wellness Activities

To earn the $20 insurance premium discount, employees must complete at least one activity from each wellness bucket. See below for upcoming wellness bucket (elective) activity opportunities by category. Qualifying bucket activities are also available on-demand using Wellable – Employee Wellness Platform. Contact Wellness@cctexas.com if you have any questions or registration issues. 

Corpus Christi Buckets - Pysical rev_06 29 23
Corpus Christi Buckets - Financial rev_06 29 23
Corpus Christi Buckets -Emotional rev_06 29 23

Physical Health Bucket (Elective) Activities

Airrosti Knee Pain Webinar (Virtual)

February 27th at 12:00 PM

Age-related knee pain is a very common reason people lose their mobility and stop being active. Join Airrosti and learn about how you can improve or relieve knee pain. Register now at Airrosti Knee Pain Webinar


Safe Fun-Fit Events (In-Person)

Every Saturday – Time and location is based on activity. 

McCaughan Park: Walk the Bayfront 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Islanders Pavilion: Kickboxing/Self Defense Class 8:00 AM – 8:40 AM; Yoga Class 9:00 AM – 9:40 AM; Zumba Class 10:00 AM – 10:40 AM

These events offer a variety of fun, family-friendly activities. Participants must complete at least one activity to earn physical health bucket credit. View the event schedule and register now at Safe Fun-Fit at the Bayfront

Financial Health Bucket (Elective) Activities

Mission Square “Social Security: Understanding Your Retirement Benefit Options” Webinar (Virtual)

February 26th 12:00 PM 

As you near retirement, one of the biggest financial decisions to make is when to begin receiving Social Security benefits. Social Security remains the major source of guaranteed lifetime retirement income for most Americans, so it’s important to explore your options and make an informed decision. Register now at MS Social Security: Understanding Your Retirement Benefit Options Webinar. When registering, please enter “City of Corpus Christi” in the “Current/Former Employer Name” field to ensure you receive credit. 

Emotional Health Bucket (Elective) Activities

Family Counseling Services “Practicing Acts of Kindness” Webinar (Virtual)

February 19th  12:00 PM

Join us to learn about practicing acts of kindness. Please register in advance at FCS Acts of Kindness Webinar.